Players made these suggestions to improve

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1. Search to see if your bug / feature has already been reported.
2. If the bug or feature request already exists, select it, add your vote, then comment with a description.
3. If the bug or feature does not exist, click "Add a suggestion" and provide as much info as possible about the bug (what happened, your OS / browser, etc) or feature (what problem it solves, ideas for how to implement, etc.)

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Thanks for your help - our community is the lifeblood of Colonist. The more we know, the better we can improve the game.

[C&K] Revise Times for Actions in Cities and Knights

The times in C&K have not been thoroughly analyzed or figured out to have a fair competitive game. One idea I have is that I think there should be a greater turn time ...
Suggested by: Jingle535 (27 May, '21) Upvoted: 23 Jul, '21 Comments: 3

Cities and Knights ranking with leaderboard

I would like to see more competition in cities and knights with even the 1v1 rankings.
Suggested by: Tobias (17 May, '22) Upvoted: 01 Nov, '22 Comments: 1

Game ended without the log showing that a city was built to take the win

The winner built a city on their turn which earned them a VP and the win, but the game log didn't mention it, instead making it look like they won out of nowhere.
Suggested by: Loaf (27 May, '21) Upvoted: 27 May, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration cities and knights

Highlight a progress/development card in green when it may be played in Cities and Knights

It would be helpful to have an indicator of when a progress card may be played in Cities and Knights, maybe by highlighting the border in green. This way, a user will ...
Suggested by: Peter (08 May, '21) Upvoted: 31 May, '21 Comments: 1
Under consideration cities and knights

[C&K] EoG stats, Dev cards instead of Progress

The stats after a game is finished say Development Cards instead of Progress Cards on Cities and Knights. Not a big deal, just a minor bug.
Suggested by: Michael Boardman (27 May, '21) Upvoted: 27 May, '21 Comments: 0
Under consideration cities and knights